martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

“:::Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) between a remote Cisco Router and a local PC :::”

Y otro !!! ideasnet

The Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) is a method for implementing virtual private networks. PPTP uses a control channel over TCP and a GRE tunnel operating to encapsulate PPP packets. The PPTP specification does not describe encryption or authentication features and relies on the PPP protocol being tunneled to implement security functionality. However the most common PPTP implementation, shipping with the Microsoft Windows product families, implements various levels of authentication and encryption natively as standard features of the Windows PPTP stack. The intended use of this protocol is to provide similar levels of security and remote access as typical VPN products.
by Wikipedia
The configuration is the following
username <user 1> password <password 1>
username <user 2> password <password 2>
vpdn enable
vpdn-group 1
  protocol pptp
  virtual-template 1
interface Virtual-Template1
 ip unnumbered Vlan1
 peer default ip address pool PPTP-Pool
 no keepalive
 ppp encrypt mppe auto
 ppp authentication ms-chap ms-chap-v2
interface ATM0
 no ip address
 load-interval 30
 no atm ilmi-keepalive
 dsl operating-mode auto 
 hold-queue 224 in
interface ATM0.1 point-to-point
 description *** Link Data For ADSL ***
 pvc 8/35 
  encapsulation aal5mux ppp dialer
  dialer pool-member 1
interface Vlan1 
 description ***Private IP for LAN***
 ip address
 ip nat inside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 ip tcp adjust-mss 1452
 ip policy route-map PBR
interface Dialer1
 description ***Bandwidth For DATA***
 ip address negotiated
 ip nat outside
 ip virtual-reassembly
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer pool 1
 no cdp enable
 no ppp chap wait
 ppp pap sent-username XXXXUSERD password 7 XXXXPWD
 no ppp pap wait
ip local pool PPTP-Pool
ip route Dialer1
ip nat inside source list 100 interface Dialer1 overload
access-list 100 remark ***ACL NAT ON VC DATA***
access-list 100 permit ip any

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